The state of the nation Nigeria at this present time may not seem to tally with the words of prophecy that have been spoken in times past about her destiny. The spate of corruption, injustice and inequality continues to worry many observers, but like our Father, we know no man after the flesh. Our meditation should be on what God has said about the nation and the future that God has in store for her people.
Severally, the LORD has spoken about the destiny of the nation through His servants the prophets. In 2018, the word of the LORD came through His servant Dr. Isaiah Wealth that when Nigeria turns 60 (which is in this year 2020), her development would peak and she would be on her way to becoming a first world country. For that to happen, corruption would be fought to a standstill as God would raise a chosen leader who would be a vessel in God’s hands to make it happen. (Video available on YouTube: The Coming New Nigeria Prophecy on Isaiah Wealth Ministries channel)
The most recent prophecy given about Nigeria on 20th December 2019 by Sadhu Selvaraj Sundar, an India, also speaks about a coming revival. He writes:
“A change is coming [to Nigeria], so get ready to put on new shoes. Cast away your old thinking, cast away the old wineskin that you may be ready for the new wineskin, …Put your house in order, cast out everything that defiles, remove it far from your midst for the Glory of God will not come in the midst of impurity and uncleanness. Humble yourself, seek the face of the living God, for He is going to come like a Lion and He will send the former rain and the latter rain.
Behold the cloud is gathering, a wide glorious cloud, is rising and coming towards your Nation. Prepare yourself, a mighty rain is going to come upon you. You are not just going to get wet, you are going to be drenched in the rain… is like liquid fire. It is like golden oil, it is rain, oil and water mixed together. The heavenly latter rain is like the rain of the seven spirits of God, the rain of the powers of the age to come.”
In the words of the servant of God Dr. Isaiah Wealth, ‘prophecy not prayed is property not claimed.’ In other words, for these words of prophecies which have gone ahead over the nation Nigeria to come to pass, believers in the nation must arise and claim the prophecy in prayer. Will you therefore join us in prayer right now?
Scripture: Isaiah 57:15
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Prayer 1: Father, give us a contrite and a humble spirit, revive our hearts that we may dwell with you in your most high and holy place.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:10
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for a deep conviction of sin, spiritual brokenness, a holy fear of God and genuine repentance among the people of the nation, Nigeria.
Scripture 3: Psalms 85:6
Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?
Prayer 3. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that your revival will sweep across the nation Nigeria in this season, such as we have never seen before. Glorify your name!
For more prayer resources, information on how you may continue to engage prayers of revival for Nigeria and to learn more about the mission and activities of the Pray Nigeria Movement (PNM), please visit