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Note: A background Music Will be playing while you pray, also hold the slide to pause or move the prayer slide.
1.Father in the Name of Jesus, as a citizen of NIGERIA, I pray for myself and my home, in every way we have sinned against you, I ask for forgiveness.
2.Oh Lord, we repent for every bloodshed in this nation; we repent on behalf of all the perpetrators of evil deeds that have caused blood to enter the ground and have caused our land to be cursed, have mercy on us oh Lord, forgive all our sins and heal our land in the Name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, for the sake of the righteous in this nation, spare every part of NIGERIA from the hands of the destroyer in the Name of Jesus.
4.Father in the Name of Jesus, we pray that You would loose this nation from the grip of all the people who hold it ransom for their own selfish purposes.
Oh Lord our God, change the status of NIGERIA in the league of nations, cause NIGERIA to attain its destiny, and cause your purposes to come to pass now in this nation in the Name of Jesus
6.Father in the Name of Jesus, we pray that you will take away all those who hate Nigeria and hijack offices, oh Lord, show them that the mighty can be taken away without hand in the Name of Jesus.
Father in the Name of Jesus, we spoil all charms and rituals, we destroy every worker of iniquity, every worker of darkness, we paralyze all their activities in this nation in the Name of Jesus.
Father in the Name of Jesus, we spoil all charms and rituals, we destroy every worker of iniquity, every worker of darkness, we paralyze all their activities in this nation in the Name of Jesus.
Father, give us one heart as a nation to build NIGERIA according to the will and design of God.
Father, give us one heart as a nation to build NIGERIA according to the will and design of God.
11.My father and my God, we ask that the confusion between tribes and clans in NIGERIA, be resolved by the truth being revealed to them in the Name of Jesus.
Oh Lord my God, we ask that you will remove the veil that has covered the mind of NIGERIA that she would recognize JESUS as the Son of God and accept Him.
Oh Lord my God, we ask that you will remove the veil that has covered the mind of NIGERIA that she would recognize JESUS as the Son of God and accept Him.
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